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    Reimagine your journey. Invest in the ultimate project. And design your future with EY.

    We’re a professional services organisation that helps companies make better decisions about business, finance and technology. How? By asking better questions that help us all in building a better working world.

    With 300,000 extraordinary people in more than 150 countries, working across four key business areas – Assurance, Consulting, Strategy and Transactions, and Tax – we’re well-equipped to drive long-term value for our clients. And, as a motivated and passionate member of our team, you’ll play a big part in our impactful work – no matter which business area you join. You’ll help communities to thrive, while you thrive in a place where you belong. You’ll have the opportunity to make your career your own, building opportunities for yourself. You’ll have a chance to define and activate our purpose, delivering on our promises to help clients drive long-lasting strategies.

    As well as making your mark across our wider business and society, you’ll build your own career within your direct team. In Assurance, we help protect public confidence in the world’s capital markets, across both audit and non-audit work. Our Consulting teams work across almost every part of our clients’ businesses to help them investigate risk and improve their performance. Our Tax teams provide a full suite of tax services to everyone, from multi-national companies to fast-growing entrepreneurial start-ups. Meanwhile, in Strategy and Transactions, we help businesses negotiate to raise, preserve and increase their earnings, ensuring their long-term success in a complex global market.

    We offer work experience, apprenticeships, undergraduate and graduate programmes, where you’ll explore your interests while creating your own exceptional experience. You’ll work with clients from day one. And, because we’re at the forefront of business, a career with us means you’ll continually be learning.

    So, if you’re curious, adaptable, resilient and collaborative, and you want to make a real impact on the working world, one of our programmes could be right for you. Gain a whole range of strengths, hands-on experience and networking opportunities to last a lifetime.

    Project You. It’s yours to build.

    Discover more at:

    Employee Numbers (approx.)

    • No. of Employees: 284,000 experts worldwide
    • No. of Qualified Actuaries: -
    • No. of Trainee Actuaries: -

    Office Locations

    • UK Wide

    Fields of Work

    • Banking & Finance
    • Consultancy
    • General Insurance
    • Health
    • Investment
    • IT & Systems
    • Life Assurance
    • Pensions
    • Reinsurance
    • Risk Management
    • Solvency II
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