This course is for you if you want to develop your mathematical ability whilst focused on financial, actuarial and business applications. It is designed to train the actuaries of the future and is differentiated very clearly from other Mathematics-based degrees at Leicester.
Mathematics is one of the most fascinating and intellectually challenging subjects you can study. The Department of Mathematics at the University of Leicester is home to an enthusiastic group of mathematicians, both staff and students.
Actuarial science is the study of risk and uncertainty, usually of a financial and long-term nature. Professionals who work in this industry are called actuaries, and it’s a career that’s regularly voted as a top three choice in job rankings. The strong intellectual challenges combined with the expected financial rewards make this a highly sought-after profession.
Completing this degree can lead to you obtaining exemptions from the first tier of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries’ exams, alongside a wide range of related skills which will enable you to add value in many areas for your future employers. (‘CT…’ after a module name indicates that it relates to an IFoA Core Technical subject.)