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We are hosting our annual actuarial and investment careers webinar next week. The webinar is aimed at all university students who are interested to explore actuarial related opportunities.

Date: Wednesday 20 October 2021*

Time: 12:00 – 3pm

The webinar will provide you with:

  • An introduction to our early career programmes at Barnett Waddingham
  • An opportunity to meet with part/qualified actuaries and investment consultants to hear about their journeys
  • Insight into our Actuarial, Insurance and Longevity, Investment and Employer Consulting services
  • A Q&A session, should you have any immediate questions

It would be great to get as many students registered as possible!

Note: If you can’t attend the live webinar, please register anyway as I’ll send out the recordings afterwards.

  • Job Type: Undergraduate Level
  • Fields of Work: Investment
  • Location: Virtual
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