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10 Feb 2020

As the world leader in Investment Consulting, Aon has been advising employers and governments on their pension schemes and other assets totalling approximately $3 trillion, for over 60 years. Today, we provide a wide range of clients with expertise that extends from setting their investment strategies and the day-to-day management of their investment portfolios, through to corporate transactions and transfers of assets from one Investment Manager to another.

Aon advises clients on a number of strategies that have taken advantage of recent financial market conditions, enabling their employees to enjoy retirement.

The role

As a summer intern or industrial placement student, you will gain a deep understanding of investment consulting and the potential career path ahead of you. You start the internship or placement with an induction and technical training programme and continue throughout your internship with on the job training enabling you to take on real responsibility. You will be a key member of our dedicated team, playing a vital role in meeting the expectations of our global clients through the delivery of high-quality servicing and advice. This will entail providing investment advice covering markets and strategic considerations, such as the management of assets and liabilities.

You will gain early experience of dealing with a wide range of investments and adapting investments around economic conditions and outlooks. You will also learn how and why pension scheme liabilities change as a result of economic assumptions, such as inflation and interest rates and the effect that market movements have on invested assets.

If you are successful in securing offer for a graduate role, when you returned you would have the opportunity to study for the Investment Management Certificate (IMC), and then specify whether you wish to take either the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) or Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFoA) professional qualification, fully supported by Aon.


Our summer internships are open to students in any year of their undergraduate degree or graduates, our Industrial Placements are open to students who have this opportunity as part of their undergraduate degree. To apply you will need to be educated to degree level with a minimum predicted grade of at least a 2:1 or equivalent qualification. We are looking for numerate graduates with a high level of commercial awareness, ambition, enthusiasm and strong written and verbal communication skills. You should be able to work well within a team and develop your own views and creative ideas on economic and investment markets.

  • Job Type: Undergraduate Level
  • Field of Work: , ,
  • Degree Result Required: 2:1
  • Location: Birmingham
  • Salary: Competitive
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