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Our graduate scheme provides successful candidates with some of the most immediate and direct exposure to client facing work in the actuarial sector.
All APR’s graduate associates go through intensive initial training and tuition covering basic actuarial principles, key IT / software skills and industry knowledge. You can expect to be providing services directly to our clients within the first couple of months of employment. Each client project lasts between 6 to 9 months on average and over the course of your employment with APR, you will gain exposure to a wide range of actuarial work.
Skills are reinforced throughout APR employment as we provide our graduate associates with a package of actuarial study support and a unique training programme that aims to develop a range of technical and wider business skills. We believe that our graduate scheme provides opportunities for a more varied, exciting and financially rewarding career than offered by traditional actuarial employers.
The key qualities we seek in individuals are intelligence and confidence, as we believe that most other characteristics we look for flow from these two qualities.
Because we place emphasis on rounded knowledge and intelligence, we accept applications from candidates with a degree (2:1 minimum) in any discipline. However, the high mathematical content of the actuarial exams means candidates need a minimum grade A in Mathematics A level or equivalent. A minimum grade A in English Language GCSE or equivalent is also required.
Successful candidates can be based in APR’s London or Edinburgh offices but must be prepared to work for significant periods throughout the UK.

  • Job Type: Graduate Job
  • Fields of Work: Consultancy
  • Degree Result Required: 2:1
  • Number of Positions: Up to 4
  • Location: Central London & Edinburgh
  • Salary: £30,000
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