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Inside Careers Patent Attorneys

Considering becoming a Patent Attorney?

The Inside Careers website will be running several Q&A sessions with a number of leading patent firms this term. Starting this week with Appleyard Lees, Kilburn & Strode and Swindell & Pearson.

This is a fantastic opportunity to get in touch with firms that you’re interested in working for, to learn more about them and help you determine if you’d like to work for them in the future.

Your questions can range from queries about specific job roles and entry requirements, to what employers most enjoy about working for a company.

You will need to get your questions in by the end of November to be in a chance of having them answered.

We will be choosing around ten of the most relevant and interesting questions per company. These will then be answered by our clients, and posted on the Inside Careers website in December.

We look forward to hearing all your questions!

If you’re not already registered with Inside Careers sign up now to receive the latest job alerts, recruitment events and industry newsletters from the producers of the only graduate career guide to the patent profession.


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