Why did you choose Capita?
Capita, being an outsourcer, presented me with an opportunity to work with a number of clients. Capita offered me a chance to be exposed to different books of business and also different systems and processes. Apart from that Capita offered me good study support, which I thought was essential to successfully qualify as an Actuary.
Can you describe a day at Capita in 3 words?
- Varied
- Challenging
- Fun
What was it like when you first started?
I had excellent support from seniors and peers who helped me settle in the job early on. A very open and welcoming atmosphere makes it easy for any newcomer.
There is a graduate training scheme which includes rotating between three teams and learning both technical skills and business/soft skills. This is a great way to understand how the actuarial department at Capita works.
What are your main duties?
During my time at Capita I have had a number of roles. I currently work in the Projects team, where I have been in charge of two small projects. These were mainly around investigating issues with spreadsheets, finding a way to fix them and then remediating customers appropriately. A previous role included working at a client site over a number of months completing a project. It is always interesting to work alongside our clients and is one of the great opportunities offered by Capita.
What skills have you found to be useful in this profession?
Having a strong analytical mind is one of the key skills to be successful in the profession. Also, the ability to question and the desire to learn the technicalities of products and systems will help you go a long way. Being disciplined and organised are also skills I feel are important, particularly when studying for the actuarial exams.
How do you see yourself progressing from your current position in the next 2-3 years?
I have been able to lead small projects in my current role. So, the next step would be for me to lead larger projects with the ultimate aim of managing a team of my own.
Do you have any advice for anyone wanting to work at Capita?
If you are keen to learn and want variety then a graduate role at Capita would be perfect. Come with an open mind and be ready to be thrown into challenging situations!