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Standard Life completes £530m buy-in with the Cobham Pension Plan & more…Keep up with what has been happening this week in our latest actuary news round-up…

Agfa UK Group Pension Plan completes £200m buy-in with Standard Life

The Agfa UK Group Pension Plan has completed a £200m buy-in with Standard Life, securing the benefits of 770 scheme members.

The BIBF to launch actuarial capacity-building programme in collaboration with institute and faculty of actuaries in UKIn line with the National Initiative to Train and Recruit Bahraini Actuaries by June 2023 and supported by CBB and Tamkeen.

L&G agree first APP with smaller pension scheme

This de-risking transaction with Flour Milling and Baking Research Association Pension and Assurance Scheme highlights some key benefits of APPs to smaller pension schemes.

Standard Life completes £530m buy-in with the Cobham Pension Plan

Standard Life, part of Phoenix Group, has concluded a £530 million Bulk Purchase Annuity (“BPA”) transaction covering c. 3,000 members of the Cobham Pension Plan (“the Plan”).


IFoA calls for Government to prioritise future generations

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